I know Dani for many years and each time he launches a new cpllection he comes out with something new. He is amongst few designers from Timisoara that really let their imagination loose and simply start and create. He is innovative and fierceful because he never says never when it comes to trying something new. Dani never makes a compromise when it comes to designing.
I am inviting you to get to know him better, his designs, his vision and of course his latest collection.
Pe Daniel Ignat il stiu de cativa ani buni si de fiecare cand isi lanseaza o noua colectie ma surprinde in mod tot mai placut. E printre putinii designeri din Timisoara care chiar are curaj sa incerce orice. Are incredere in viziunea sa si nu face compromisuri cand vine vorba de creatie.
Va invit sa aflam mai multe despre cea mai recenta colectie a sa si despre viziunea lui in general.
1.Cum te-ai descrie intr-o singura propozitie?
Un tanar simplu, cu simtul umorului exagerat de dezvoltat,ambitie de fier, ce isi urmeaza visul.
1.How would you describe yourself in only one sentence?
A simple young man with an exaggerated sense of humour, huge ambition for following his dream
2.Care a fost conceptul cele mai noi colectii?
Pentru noua colectie m-am lasat inspirat de perioada de tranzitie prin care trec: schimbari radicale, mutatul intr-o alta tara, schimbarea stilului de viata si ale tabieturilor zilnice. ConTrust se bazeaza pe experientele mele de pana acum, este pasaportul meu pentru exterior.ConTrust se refera atat la contrastele puternice de materialitate regasite in colectie, insa numele lui se traduce astfel Con (din sp : cu) Trust (din eng: incredere) asadar, pornim cu incredere la un nou drum, in cariera mea.
2.What was the concept for your latest collection?
I got inspired from the transition period that I am facing now: radical changes, moving to another country, lifestyle changing and other daily habits. ConTrust is based on my life experinces until now, my passport for the exterior world. ConTrust – strong contrasts between the fabrics I used, but it can easily be translated as „With Trust” as I am starting me new path in my career.
3.Prin ce se caraterizaza stilul Daniel Ignat?
Nonconformism, abaterea de la regula.Stilul mereu e in formare, am facut haine si din tabla, si din matase….e dificil sa descri stilul.Partea pozitiva a mea, ca designer, e versatilitatea cu care ma mulez oricareicerinte sau idei (lucrez la fel de lejer hainele de scena, precum rochiilor de gala sau rochiile de mireasa).Croiul pieselor Daniel Ignat are mereu ceva inovativ…mereu sufera modificari….si asta cred ac e un plus pentru stilul meu.
1.How would you characterize the Daniel Ignat style?
Noncomformism, not playing by the rules. My style is continuously developing. I made clothes out of metal board and fine silk, so it’s kind of hard to describe the style. My positive side, as a designer is being able to be versatile when it come sto deisgning stage clothes and even cocktail dresses or bridal gowns. The Daniel Ignat cut always has something inovative, ingenious. I think this is a plus for my style.
4.Ce tipuri de material prefer sa folosesti si de ce?
Ultima colectie e din matase naturala si brocard.S-a lucrat cu mare atentie, aceste materiale fiind pretentioase.Dar nu cred ca am o oarecare preferinta…Vad in fiecare material potentialul lui, il vad ca piesa finita, si atunci incerc sa scot ce e mai bun, din orice material.Dar raman fidel matasii naturale pentru caderea ei, comfortul si desigur eleganta
4.What types of fabrics do you prefer using and why?
My latest collection is made of natural silk and brocard. They were handled very carefuly being so pretentious. I don’t think I prefer a certain fabric. I alway see the potential in any texture I use, I already see it as finished piece and then I try to get the best out of each. Still, I will stay faithfull to natural silk, that flow, comfort and elegance of course.
5.Ce consideri ca lipseste in moda Romaneasca?
Foarte multe.Nici nu stiu cu ce sa incep….In primul rand, promotorii si educatia consumatorilor.Evenimentele mari si dese, care sa promoveze designerii (se fac multe, dar foarte putine bune, din pacate).
5.What do you think it’s missing in Romania?
Very many thing, I don’t even know what to start with. First of all, the promoters and the education of consumers. Big events and their frequency. And by big events I mean fashion events meant to promote young designers. ( we have many,but of low quality)
6.Ce te-a determinat sa parasesti tara? Ai vrea sa te mai intorci?
Pai totul a inceput foarte simplu….participarea la un targ in exterior….In Copenhaga…acolo mi-am dat seama ca locul meu nu e aici…si de atunci…doar am actionat…cv-uri , portofolii, interviuri.De intors, sunt convins ca nu o voi face prea curand.In materie de moda, nua m tinut cont de reguli, mai ales in colectie…si e trist sa vezi ca lumea de fapt nu percepe fenomenul, ba chiar te acuza…Nu ma vad facand moda in Romania pe mai departe.
6.What determined you to take the decission and leave Romania? Would you ever come back?
It all started very simple by taking part at a fashion fair in Copenhaga. I then realised that my place isn’t here and starting then I posted CVs, portfolios, had some interviews. I am sure that I won’t come back pretty soon. When it came to fashion I never sticked to the rules and it’s sad to se that people don’t actually understand fashion, and they will even acuse you. I can’t real fashion made in Romania in the near future.
7.Daca ai putea sa incepi din toata aventura ta in lumea modei, ce ai schimba?
Buna intrebare…nu stiu…nu cred ca as schimba nimic….probabil doar locatia…dar…sa fac ce am facut cu aceleasi echipe, cu aceeasi oameni…nimic nu e intamplator, iar pana acum, eu m am bucurat de niste oameni minunati in fata carora eu plec capul….nu…nu as schimba nimic J)
7.If you could start over your entire adventure in fashion, what would you change?
Good question, I don’t know, I don’t think I woudl ever change anything, maybe just the cloation, dar keep the people I worked with because nothing happens random, it all has a meaning. I had wonderful people around me for which I bow . No, I woudln’t change anything.
8.Ce sfat le-ai da celor care se afla acum la inceput de drum?
Sa mearga pe premisa TOTUL SAU NIMIC….daca nu faci sacrificii, si dac anu te implici cu totul in ceea ce faci…nu o sa iasa…vad foarte multi tineri care fac asta doar pentru ca e „la moda sa faci moda”….de dragul aplauzelor la final, sau mai stiu eu ce…nu…pentru un minut de aplauze se lucreaza 8-9 luni inteniv…17 ore pe zi…daca sunt dispusi sa faca asta, sa o faca! Si da…promovarea si imaginea lor trebuia crescuta cu un PR …si musai din Bucuresti, daca fac asta in tara J
8.What advice would you give to a young designer?
To try and go for all or nothing. If don’t you make sacrifices and if you don’t get involved body and soul in everything you do, it won’t work. I see many young students that start doing fashion because it;s trendy to do fashion, to design. They love the applauzes, but for one minute of applauze you need to work8-9 months before, 17 hours a day. So if they are up to it, they should do this. And yes, they image and brand should be boosted by a PR, but not local.
9.Ti-ai fi dorit sa ai sansa sa lucrezi cu vreun designer cunoscut din Romania? Pe cine ai alege?
Nu…sunt foarte multi designeri, unii consacrati altii mai putin consacrati, dar nu mi-as fi dorit sa lucrez cu ei….apreciez munca lor…pentru felul in care o fac ei…pentru felul in care se prezinta ei….eu nu ma regasesc in munca vreunuia.
9,Would you have loved to get the opportunity and work with a known fashion designer from Romania? Who would you pick?
No, there are many deisgners, some well know some not that well, dar I wouldn’t have love dto work with them. I appreciate their work, for the way they do it, how they manage their image, but I can’t find myself in any of their work.
10.Daca nu ai fi designer, ce altceva ai vrea sa faci?
hmmm imi place intrebarea…..cu siguranta actor sau ceva moderator la o emisiune de divertisment….pentru mine o zi fara ras in hohote e o zi pierduta….
10. If you wouldn’t be a deigner, what would you be?
Hmm, I love the question. I would surley be an actor or acathcy tv show presentor. For me, a day without laughter is a day lost.